
Miscellaneous useful functions.


binomial(n, k)

Binomial coefficient \(\binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}\)

bitstring_basis(bitstring[, dims])

Generates a basis vector corresponding to a given bitstring, which may be a list of integers or a string of integers.

compare_nophase(a, b)

Compares two vectors disregarding their overall complex phase.

compare_spinors(A, B[, decimals])

Compares two lists of spinors, disregarding both their phases, as well as their ordering in the list.

compare_unordered(A, B[, decimals])

Compares two sets of vectors regardless of their ordering up to some precision.


Extracts components of qt.Qobj, whether bra or ket, as a numpy array.


Converts a density matrix to a pure vector if it’s rank-1.

dirac(state[, probabilities])

Prints a pretty representation of a state in Dirac braket notation.

fix_stars(old_stars, new_stars)

Try to adjust the ordering of a list of stars to keep continuity, so that they are in the “same order.” Not always reliable.


Flattens list of lists.

from_pauli_basis(coeffs[, basis])

Given a dictionary mapping Pauli strings to components, returns the corresponding density matrix/operator.

measure(state, projectors)

Given a state and a set of projectors, calculates the probability of each outcome, and returns an outcome index with that probability.


Normalizes numpy vector.


Normalizes the phase of a complex vector (np.ndarray or qt.Qobj).


Generates the Pauli basis for n qubits.


Extracts phase of a complex vector (np.ndarray or qt.Qobj) by finding the first non-zero component and returning its phase.


Extracts phase angle of a complex vector (np.ndarray or qt.Qobj) by finding the first non-zero component and returning its phase angle.

polygon_area(phis, thetas[, radius])

Computes area of spherical polygon.


Returns XYZ expectation values for each qubit in a tensor product.


Generates (n) random extended complex coordinate(s) whose real and imaginary parts are normally distributed, and ten percent of the time, we return \(\infty\).


Generates (n) random point(s) on the unit sphere in spherical coordinates.


Generates (n) random point(s) on the unit sphere in cartesian coordinates.


Returns XYZ expectation values for a spin-j state.

tensor_upgrade(O, i, n)

Upgrades an operator to act on the i’th subspace of n subsystems.

to_pauli_basis(qobj[, basis])

Expands a state/operator in the Pauli basis.