Source code for spheres.visualization.matplotlib_spheres

import pylab
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

from ..stars import *

from IPython.display import HTML

[docs]def viz_spin(spin, show_arrows=True, show=True): """ Visualizes a spin-j state with matplotlib. Parameters ---------- spin : qt.Qobj show_arrows : bool If True, also shows vectors pointing to the stars. show : bool Whether to automatically display the figure. Returns ------- """ fig = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) sphere = qt.Bloch(fig=fig, axes=ax) sphere.point_size=[300]*(spin.shape[0]-1) stars = spin_xyz(spin) sphere.add_points(stars.T) if show_arrows: sphere.add_vectors(stars) sphere.make_sphere() if show: return fig
[docs]def animate_spin(spin, H, dt=0.1, T=100, show_arrows=True, show=True, html_animation=False, filename=None, fps=20): """ Visualizes the evolution of a spin-j state with matplotlib. .. code-block:: python %matplotlib notebook animate_spin(qt.rand_ket(3), qt.rand_herm(3)) Parameters ---------- spin : qt.Qobj Spin-j state. H : qt.Qobj Hamiltonian. dt : float Time step. T : float Time interval. show_arrows : bool If True, also shows vectors pointing to the stars. show : bool Whether to automatically display the figure. html_animation : bool Whether to return an HTML video. filename : str Where to save the resulting animation. fps : int Frames per second. Returns ------- matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation or IPython.core.display.HTML """ U = (-1j*H*dt).expm() fig = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) n = spin.shape[0]-1 sphere = qt.Bloch(fig=fig, axes=ax) sphere.point_size=[300]*n sphere.make_sphere() history = [spin_xyz(spin)] for t in np.linspace(0, T, int(T/dt)): spin = U*spin history.append(spin_xyz(spin)) def anim(i): nonlocal history, sphere sphere.clear() sphere.add_points(history[i].T) if show_arrows: sphere.add_vectors(history[i]) sphere.make_sphere() return ax ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, anim, range(int(T/dt)), repeat=False) if filename:, fps=fps) if show: return HTML(ani.to_html5_video()) if html_animation else ani