Source code for spheres.oscillators

Functions for dealing with oscillators, particularly in the case
of double oscillators in the context of the Schwinger representation of spin.

from scipy.special import binom
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from .utils import *

[docs]def vacuum(n=2, cutoff_dim=3): """ Constructs vacuum state for a given number of oscillators with given cutoff dimension. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of oscillators. cutoff_dim : int Cutoff for the Fock space of the oscillators. Returns ------- vac : qt.Qobj Vacuum state with the right tensor dimensions. """ vac = qt.basis(cutoff_dim**n) vac.dims = [[cutoff_dim]*n, [1]*n] return vac
[docs]def annihilators(n=2, cutoff_dim=3): """ Constructs annihilators for a given number of oscillators with given cutoff dimension. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of oscillators. cutoff_dim : int Cutoff for the Fock space of the oscillators. Returns ------- a : list List of annihilators. """ return [tensor_upgrade(qt.destroy(cutoff_dim), i, n) for i in range(n)]
[docs]def second_quantize_operator(O, a=None): """ Upgrades a first quantized operator to a second quantized operator given a list of annihilators. If no annihilators provided, it constructs them. Parameters ---------- O : qt.Qobj First quantized operator. a : list List of annihilators. Returns ------- OO : qt.Qobj Second quantized operator. """ a = a if a else annihilators(n=O.shape[0]) O = O.full() return sum([a[i].dag()*O[i][j]*a[j] for i in range(len(a)) for j in range(len(a))])
[docs]def second_quantize_state(q, a=None, state=False): """ Upgrades a first quantized state to a second quantized creation operator given a list of annihilators. If the annihilators aren't provided, they are constructed. Parameters ---------- q : qt.Qobj First quantized state. a : list List of annihilators. state : bool If True, returns the second quantized state itself, obtained by acting with the creation operator on the vacuum. Returns ------- Q : qt.Qobj Second quantized creation operator (or state). """ a = a if a else annihilators(n=q.shape[0]) q = components(q) O = sum([q[i]*a[i].dag() for i in range(len(a))]) return O if not state else O*vacuum(n=len(a), cutoff_dim=a[0].dims[0][0])
[docs]def second_quantize_spin_state(spin, a=None): """ Upgrades a spin state to a second quantized creation operator given a list of annihilators. If the annihilators aren't provided, they are constructed. Parameters ---------- spin : qt.Qobj Spin-j state. a : list List of annihilators. Returns ------- S : qt.Qobj Second quantized creation operator for the constellation. """ a = a if a else annihilators(cutoff_dim=spin.shape[0]+1) j = (spin.shape[0]-1)/2. v = components(spin) z, w = [a_.dag() for a_ in a] return sum([np.sqrt(binom(int(2*j),int(j-m)))*v[int(j+m)]*z**(j-m)*w**(j+m) for m in np.arange(-j, j+1, 1)])
[docs]def osc_spintower_map(cutoff_dim): """ Returns permutation from the tensor basis of two oscillators to the basis organized by total N, in other words, to a tower of spin states. Automatically padded so that higher spins whose full Hilbert space is truncated by the cutoff dimension have the right dimensionality. Parameters ---------- cutoff_dim : int Cutoff dimension of the Fock spaces. Returns ------- P : qt.Qobj Permutation operator. """ tensor_basis_labels = list(product(list(range(cutoff_dim)), repeat=2)) full_total_n_basis_labels = [] for i in range(2*cutoff_dim): full_total_n_basis_labels.extend([(i-j-1, j) for j in range(i)]) n, m = len(full_total_n_basis_labels), cutoff_dim**2 P = np.zeros((n, m)) for i, label in enumerate(tensor_basis_labels): P[full_total_n_basis_labels.index(label)][i] = 1 P = qt.Qobj(P) P.dims = [[n], [cutoff_dim, cutoff_dim]] return P
[docs]def spin_tower_dimensions(d): """ Given the overal dimension of a spin tower, return the individual dimensions of the spin states. E.g., 15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 Parameters ---------- d : int Overall dimension. Returns ------- dims : list Individual dimensions. """ dims = [1] while sum(dims) != d: dims.append(dims[-1]+1) return dims
[docs]def osc_spinblocks(O, map=None): """ Extracts spin-j blocks from a 2D oscillator operator. Parameters ---------- O : qt.Qobj 2D oscillator operator. map : qt.Qobj Map from tensor basis to the spin tower basis. Automatically constructed if not provided. Returns ------- blocks : list List of qt.Qobj operators appearing along the diagonal. """ cutoff_dim = int(np.sqrt(O.shape[0])) map = map if map else osc_spintower_map(cutoff_dim) dims = spin_tower_dimensions(map.shape[0]) M = (map*O*map.dag()).full() running, blocks = 0, [] for d in dims: blocks.append(qt.Qobj(M[running:running+d, running:running+d])) running += d return blocks
[docs]def spin_osc_map(j, cutoff_dim=None): """ Construct linear map from spin-j states into the Fock space of the 2D quantum harmonic oscillator. Parameters ---------- j : float j-value of the spin. cutoff_dim : int Cutoff dimensions of the Fock space. Returns ------- map : qt.Qobj Linear map from spin-j Hilbert space to the Fock space of the 2D oscillator. """ cutoff_dim = cutoff_dim if cutoff_dim else int(2*j+1) return sum([qt.tensor(qt.basis(cutoff_dim, int(2*j-i)), qt.basis(cutoff_dim, i))*qt.spin_state(j, j-i).dag() for i in range(int(2*j+1))])
[docs]def osc_spins(q, map=None): """ Extracts spin-j states from a 2D oscillator state. Parameters ---------- q : qt.Qobj 2D oscillator state. map : qt.Qobj Map from tensor basis to the spin tower basis. Automatically constructed if not provided. Returns ------- blocks : list List of spins as qt.Qobj's. """ j = (q.shape[0]-1)/2 cutoff_dim = int(np.sqrt(q.shape[0])) map = map if map else osc_spintower_map(cutoff_dim) dims = spin_tower_dimensions(map.shape[0]) v = (map*q).full().T[0] running, blocks = 0, [] for d in dims: blocks.append(qt.Qobj(v[running:running+d])) running += d return blocks
[docs]def spin_osc(spin, cutoff_dim=None, map=None): """ Returns the 2D oscillator state corresponding to a given spin-j state (pure or mixed). Parameters ---------- spin : qt.Qobj Spin-j state. cutoff_dim : int Cutoff dimension. map : qt.Qobj Map from spin-j Hilbert space to double harmonic oscillator space. Constructed if not provided. Returns ------- osc : qt.Qobj 2D quantum harmonic oscillator state. """ j = (spin.shape[0]-1)/2 cutoff_dim = cutoff_dim if cutoff_dim else int(2*j+1) if spin.type == 'oper': map = map if map else spin_osc_map(j, cutoff_dim=cutoff_dim) return map*spin*map.dag() vac = vacuum(n=2, cutoff_dim=cutoff_dim) a = annihilators(n=2, cutoff_dim=cutoff_dim) return (second_quantize_spin_state(spin, a)*vac).unit()
[docs]def spins_osc(spins, cutoff_dim=None, map=None): """ List of spin-j states to a 2D quantum harmonic oscillator state. Parameters ---------- osc : qt.Qobj Double oscillator state. cutoff_dim : int Cutoff dimension for the 2D oscillator Fock space. map : qt.Qobj Map from tensor basis to the spin tower basis. Automatically constructed if not provided. Returns ------- osc : qt.Qobj Double oscillator state. """ cutoff_dim = cutoff_dim if cutoff_dim else int(np.ceil(spins[-1].shape[0]/2)) map = map if map else osc_spintower_map(cutoff_dim=cutoff_dim) if spins[-1].type == "oper": dm = qt.Qobj(block_diag(*[spin.full() for spin in spins])) return map.dag()*dm*map else: state = qt.Qobj(np.concatenate([components(spin) for spin in spins])) return map.dag()*state
[docs]def osc_spin(osc, map=None): """ Returns (nonzero) spin-j states correspond to the 2D oscillator state (pure or mixed). Parameters ---------- osc : qt.Qobj Double oscillator state. map : qt.Qobj Map from tensor basis to the spin tower basis. Automatically constructed if not provided. Returns ------- spins : list List of spins. """ spins = [spin for spin in osc_spins(osc, map=map) if spin.norm() != 0] return spins[0] if len(spins) == 1 else spins
[docs]def second_quantized_paulis(cutoff_dim=3): """ Second quantized Pauli X, Y, Z operators on two harmonic oscillators. Parameters ---------- cutoff_dim : int Cutoff dimensions for the oscillator Fock spaces. Returns ------- XYZ : dict Dictionary of operators {"X": X, "Y": Y, "Z": Z}. """ a = annihilators(n=2, cutoff_dim=cutoff_dim) return {"x": second_quantize_operator(qt.sigmax()/2, a),\ "y": second_quantize_operator(qt.sigmay()/2, a),\ "z": second_quantize_operator(qt.sigmaz()/2, a)}
[docs]def spinj_xyz_osc(osc, paulis=None): """ <X>, <Y>, <Z> expectation values on the given double oscillator state. Parameters ---------- osc : qt.Qobj Double oscillator state. paulis : dict Dictionary of second quantized Pauli's. Constructed if not provided. Returns ------- xyz : np.ndarray Array of Pauli expectation values. """ paulis = paulis if paulis else second_quantized_paulis(cutoff_dim=osc.dims[0][0]) return np.array([qt.expect(paulis[o], osc) for o in ["x", "y", "z"]])