Source code for spheres.spin_circuits.pytket

Pytket circuits for preparing spin-j states as permutation symmetric multiqubit states.
from ..stars.pure import *
from ..symmetrization import *

from import AerBackend
from pytket import Circuit
from pytket.circuit import Unitary1qBox, Unitary2qBox
from pytket.utils import probs_from_counts

[docs]def Rk_pytket(k, dagger=False): """ Single qubit operator employed in symmetrization circuit to prepare control qubits. Parameters ---------- k : int dagger : bool Whether to return the adjoint. Returns ------- O : pytket.circuit.Unitary1qBox """ M = (1/np.sqrt(k+1))*np.array([[1, -np.sqrt(k)],\ [np.sqrt(k), 1]]) return Unitary1qBox(M if not dagger else M.T)
[docs]def Tkj_pytket(k, j, dagger=False): """ Two qubit operator employed in symmetrization circuit to prepare control qubits. Parameters ---------- k : int j : int dagger : bool Whether to return the adjoint. Returns ------- O : pytket.circuit.Unitary2qBox """ M = (1/np.sqrt(k-j+1))*np.array([[np.sqrt(k-j+1), 0, 0, 0],\ [0, 1, np.sqrt(k-j), 0],\ [0, -np.sqrt(k-j), 1, 0],\ [0, 0, 0, np.sqrt(k-j+1)]]) return Unitary2qBox(M if not dagger else M.T)
[docs]def spin_sym_pytket(spin): """ Given a spin-j state, constructs a qiskit circuit which prepares that state as a permutation symmetric state of 2j qubits. The circuit is probabalistic and depends on the control qubits being postselected on the up/0 state. Returns a dictionary whose elements are: - "circuit": Qiskit circuit - "spin_qubits": Qiskit quantum register for the qubits encoding the spin - "cntrl_qubits": Qiskit quantum register for the control qubits - "cntrl_bits": Qiskit classical register for the control measurements - "postselect_on": "cntrl_bits" (which classical register to control on) - "postselection": [0] x len(cntrl_bits) (postselection state to impose) Parameters ---------- spin : qt.Qobj Spin-j state. Returns ------- circuit_info : dict """ j = (spin.shape[0]-1)/2 n = int(2*j) r = int(n*(n-1)/2) stars = spin_sph(spin) circ = Circuit() spin_qubits = circ.add_q_register("spin_qubits", len(stars)) for i, star in enumerate(stars): theta, phi = star circ.Ry(theta/np.pi, spin_qubits[i]) circ.Rz(phi/np.pi, spin_qubits[i]) cntrl_qubits = circ.add_q_register("cntrl_qubits", r) cntrl_bits = circ.add_c_register("cntrl_bits", r) qubits = circ.qubits offset = r for k in range(1, n): offset = offset-k circ.add_unitary1qbox(Rk_pytket(k), qubits[offset]) for i in range(k-1): circ.add_unitary2qbox(Tkj_pytket(k, i+1),\ qubits[offset+i+1],\ qubits[offset+i]) for i in range(k-1, -1, -1): circ.CSWAP(qubits[offset+i],\ qubits[r+k],\ qubits[r+i]) for i in range(k-2, -1, -1): circ.add_unitary2qbox(Tkj_pytket(k, i+1, dagger=True), qubits[offset+i+1], qubits[offset+i]) circ.add_unitary1qbox(Rk_pytket(k, dagger=True), qubits[offset]) for i in range(r): circ.Measure(cntrl_qubits[i], cntrl_bits[i]) return {"circuit": circ,\ "spin_qubits": spin_qubits,\ "cntrl_qubits": cntrl_qubits,\ "cntrl_bits": cntrl_bits,\ "postselect_on": "cntrl_bits",\ "postselection": [0]*r}
[docs]def postselect_shots(postselection_indices, postselection_values, original_shots): """ Given an array of shots data, postselects on certain bits having certain values. Parameters ---------- postselection_indices : list Indices to postselect on. postselection_values : list Desired values for each index. original_shots : list Shots data. Returns ------- postselected_shots : list """ postselected_shots = [] for i, shots in enumerate(original_shots): for j, index in enumerate(postselection_indices): shots = shots[np.where(shots[:,index] == postselection_values[j])] shots = np.delete(shots, postselection_indices, axis=1) postselected_shots.append(shots) return postselected_shots
[docs]def tomography_circuits_pytket(circuit, on_qubits=None): """ Given a pytket circuit and a list of qubits, constructs a set of circuits that implement tomography on those qubits. Parameters ---------- circuit : pytket.Circuit on_qubits : list If not provided, tomography performed on all qubits. Returns ------- tomography_circuit_info : list List of tomography circuits. Each element is a dictionary: - "circuit": Pytket circuit - "pauli": Pauli string corresponding to circuit - "tomog_bits": Pytket register. """ on_qubits = circuit.qubits if on_qubits == None else on_qubits n_qubits = len(on_qubits) IXYZ = ["I", "X", "Y", "Z"] circuits = [] for pauli_str in product(IXYZ, repeat=n_qubits): circ = circuit.copy() tomog_bits = circ.add_c_register("tomog_bits", n_qubits) for i, o in enumerate(pauli_str): if o == "Y": circ.Rx(1/2, on_qubits[i]) circ.Measure(on_qubits[i], tomog_bits[i]) elif o == "X": circ.Ry(-1/2, on_qubits[i]) circ.Measure(on_qubits[i], tomog_bits[i]) elif o == "Z": circ.Measure(on_qubits[i], tomog_bits[i]) circuits.append({"circuit": circ,\ "pauli": "".join(pauli_str),\ "tomog_bits": tomog_bits}) return circuits
[docs]def tomography_dm_pytket(tomog_circs_info, tomog_shots): """ Given a set of Pytket tomography circuits and the results of measurements (shots), reconstructs the density matrix of the quantum state. Parameters ---------- tomog_circs_info : dict tomog_shots : list Returns ------- dm : qt.Qobj """ exps = {} for i, shots in enumerate(tomog_shots): bad_indices = [j for j, s in enumerate(tomog_circs_info[i]["pauli"]) if s == "I"] shots = np.delete(shots, bad_indices, axis=1) if shots.shape[1] > 0: shots = np.where(shots==1, -1, shots) shots = np.where(shots==0, 1, shots) shots =, axis=1) else: shots = np.array([1]) exp = sum(shots)/len(shots) exps[tomog_circs_info[i]["pauli"]] = exp return from_pauli_basis(exps)
[docs]def spin_tomography_pytket(circ_info, backend=None, shots=8000): """ Given a Pytket circuit preparing a spin state, runs tomography to reconstruct the density matrix. Parameters ---------- circ_info : dict Information about the Pytket circuit. backend : pytket.backend.Backend shots : int Returns ------- dm : qt.Qobj """ backend = backend if backend else AerBackend() tomog_circs_info = tomography_circuits_pytket(circ_info["circuit"], on_qubits=circ_info["spin_qubits"]) tomog_circs = [tomog_circ_info["circuit"] for tomog_circ_info in tomog_circs_info] [backend.compile_circuit(tomog_circ) for tomog_circ in tomog_circs] handles = backend.process_circuits(tomog_circs, n_shots=shots) results = backend.get_results(handles) tomog_shots = [result.get_shots() for result in results] postselection_indices = [i for i, bit in enumerate(tomog_circs_info[0]["circuit"].bits) if bit.reg_name == circ_info["postselect_on"]] return sym_spin(tomography_dm_pytket(tomog_circs_info, postselect_shots(postselection_indices, circ_info["postselection"], tomog_shots)))