Source code for spheres.stars.mixed

Implementation of the "Majorana stars" formalism for mixed states (and operators) of higher spin.

import numpy as np
import qutip as qt
from ..utils import *

[docs]def spherical_tensor(j, sigma, mu): """ Constructs spherical tensor operator for a given :math:`j, \\sigma, \\mu`. Parameters ---------- j : float sigma : int Between 0 and 2j. mu : int Between -sigma and sigma. Returns ------- spherical_tensor : qt.Qobj """ terms = [] for m1 in np.arange(-j, j+1): for m2 in np.arange(-j, j+1): terms.append(\ ((-1)**(j-m2))*\ qt.clebsch(j, j, sigma, m1, -m2, mu)*\ qt.spin_state(j, m1)*qt.spin_state(j, m2).dag()) return sum(terms)
[docs]def spherical_tensor_basis(j): """ Constructs a basis set of spherical tensor operators for a given :math:`j`, for all :math:`\\sigma` from :math:`0` to :math:`2j`, and :math:`\\mu` from :math:`-\\sigma` to :math:`\\sigma`. Parameters ---------- j : float Returns ------- spherical_tensor_basis : dict Takes (sigma, mu) to the corresponding tensor. """ T_basis = {} for sigma in np.arange(0, int(2*j+1)): for mu in np.arange(-sigma, sigma+1): T_basis[(sigma, mu)] = spherical_tensor(j, sigma, mu) return T_basis
[docs]def operator_spherical_decomposition(O, T_basis=None): """ Decomposes an operator into a linear combination of spherical tensors. Constructs the latter if not supplied. Returns the coefficients as a dictionary for each :math:`\\sigma, \\mu`. Parameters ---------- O : qt.Qobj T_basis : dict Returns ------- T_coeffs : dict Takes (sigma, mu) to the corresponding coefficient. """ j = (O.shape[0]-1)/2 if not T_basis: T_basis = spherical_tensor_basis(j) decomposition = {} for sigma in np.arange(0, int(2*j+1)): for mu in np.arange(-sigma, sigma+1): decomposition[(sigma, mu)] = (O*T_basis[(sigma, mu)].dag()).tr() return decomposition
[docs]def spherical_decomposition_operator(decomposition, T_basis=None): """ Recomposes an operator from its spherical tensor decomposition. Constructs the latter if not supplied. Parameters ---------- decomposition : dict Takes (sigma, mu) to the corresponding coefficient. T_basis : dict Returns ------- operator : qt.Qobj """ j = max([k[0] for k in decomposition.keys()])/2 if not T_basis: T_basis = spherical_tensor_basis(j) terms = [] for sigma in np.arange(0, int(2*j+1)): for mu in np.arange(-sigma, sigma+1): terms.append(decomposition[(sigma, mu)]*T_basis[(sigma, mu)]) return sum(terms)
[docs]def spherical_decomposition_spins(decomposition): """ Expresses the spherical tensor decomposition of an operator as a list of unnormalized, integer :math:`j` spin states. Parameters ---------- decomposition : dict Takes (sigma, mu) to the corresponding coefficient. Returns ------- list : list List of spin states. """ max_j = max([k[0] for k in decomposition.keys()]) return [qt.Qobj(np.array([decomposition[(j, m)]\ for m in np.arange(j, -j-1, -1)]))\ for j in np.arange(0, max_j+1)]
[docs]def spins_spherical_decomposition(spins): """ Converts a list of spin states back into a dictionary of spherical tensor coefficients. Parameters ---------- spins : list List of spins. Returns ------- decomposition : dict Takes (sigma, mu) to the corresponding coefficient. """ max_j = (spins[-1].shape[0]-1)/2 decomposition = {} for j in np.arange(0, max_j+1): for m in np.arange(j, -j-1, -1): decomposition[(j, m)] = components(spins[int(j)])[int(j-m)] return decomposition
[docs]def operator_spins(O, T_basis=None): """ Expresses an operator as a set of spins. Constructs the spherical tensor basis if not provided. This is a generalization of the Majorana representation: for an operator, instead of one constellation, we have several constellations on concentric spheres, whose radii can be interpreted as the norms of the spin states. They transform nicely under rotations and partial traces. Hermitian operators have constellations with antipodal symmetry, which is broken by unitary operators. Parameters ---------- O : qt.Qobj T_basis : dict Returns ------- spins : list """ return spherical_decomposition_spins(operator_spherical_decomposition(O, T_basis=T_basis))
[docs]def spins_operator(spins, T_basis=None): """ Recomposes an operator, given a list of spin states. Constructs the spherical tensor basis if not provided. Parameters ---------- spins : list Returns ------- operator : qt.Qobj """ return spherical_decomposition_operator(spins_spherical_decomposition(spins), T_basis=T_basis)