Source code for spheres.stars.star_utils

Useful Majorana star related functions.

import quadpy
import numpy as np
import qutip as qt

from .pure import *

[docs]def spin_coherent(j, coord, from_cartesian=True,\ from_spherical=False,\ from_complex=False,\ from_spinor=False): """ Returns the spin-j coherent state which is defined by having all its Majorana stars located at a single point on the sphere. This point can be given in terms of cartesian, spherical, extended complex, and spinorial coordinates. Parameters ---------- j : int j value which indexes the :math:`SU(2)` representation. coord : nd.array or qt.Qobj or complex/inf Coordinates specifying the direction of the spin coherent state. from_cartesian : bool, optional Whether the provided coordinates are cartesian (default). from_spherical : bool, optional Whether the provided coordinates are spherical. from_complex : bool, optional Whether the provided coordinates are extended complex. from_spinor : bool, optional Whether the provided coordinates are spinorial. Returns ------- spin_coherent : qt.Qobj Spin-j coherent state in the specified direction. """ if from_spherical: theta, phi = coord elif from_complex: theta, phi = c_sph(coord) elif from_spinor: theta, phi = c_sph(spinor_c(coord)) elif from_cartesian: theta, phi = xyz_sph(coord) return qt.spin_coherent(j, theta, phi)
[docs]def antipodal(to_invert, from_cartesian=False,\ from_spherical=False): """ If given an extended complex coordinate, takes the point to its antipode on the sphere via the map: .. math:: z \\rightarrow -\\frac{z}{|z|^2} = - \\frac{1}{z^{*}} If :math:`z=\\infty`, :math:`z \\rightarrow 0` and if :math:`z=0`, :math:`z \\rightarrow \\infty`. If given a spin state or polynomial coefficients, inverts the whole sphere. This could be done by inverting the individual roots, or directly on the state/polynomial by reversing the components, complex conjugating, and multiplying every other component by :math:`-1`. If `from_cartesian=True` or `from_spherical=True`, the argument is interpreted as a single coordinate in terms of those coordinate systems and the flipped coordinate is returned in the same. Parameters ---------- to_invert : complex/inf or qt.Qobj or np.ndarray Extended complex coordinate, cartesian coordinate, spherical coordinate, or spin state/polynomial to invert. Returns ------- inverted : complex/inf or qt.Qobj or np.ndarray Inverted extended complex coordinate, cartesian coordinate, spherical coordinate or spin state/polynomial. """ if np.isscalar(to_invert): if np.isclose(to_invert, 0): return np.inf if to_invert == np.inf: return 0 return -to_invert/np.abs(to_invert)**2 if from_cartesian: return -1*to_invert if from_spherical: return c_sph(antipodal(sph_c(to_invert))) inverted = np.array([c*(-1)**(i) for i, c in enumerate(components(to_invert)[::-1].conj())]) return qt.Qobj(inverted) if type(to_invert) == qt.Qobj else inverted
[docs]def poleflip(to_flip, from_cartesian=False,\ from_spherical=False): """ Flips the pole of projection. If given an extended complex coordinate, this amounts to projecting to the sphere via a South Pole projection and then projecting back to the plane via a North Pole projection. More simply: .. math:: z \\rightarrow \\frac{z}{|z|^2} = \\frac{1}{z^{*}} If :math:`z=\\infty`, :math:`z \\rightarrow 0` and if :math:`z=0`, :math:`z \\rightarrow \\infty`. If given a spin state or polynomial coefficients, flips the pole of projection for the entire state. This could be done by flipping the individual roots, or directly on the state/polynomial by reversing the components and complex conjugating. This is useful for evaluating the Majorana polynomial at :math:`\\infty`. We actually need a second coordinate chart. We flip the projection pole and evaluate at :math:`0` instead. If `from_cartesian=True` or `from_spherical=True`, the argument is interpreted as a single coordinate in terms of those coordinate systems and the flipped coordinate is returned in the same. Parameters ---------- to_flip : (complex/inf) or qt.Qobj or np.ndarray Extended complex coordinate, cartesian coordinate, spherical coordinate, or spin state/polynomial to flip. from_cartesian : bool, optional Whether to interpret argument as cartesian coordinates. from_spherical : bool, optional Whether to interpret argument as spherical coordinates. Returns ------- flipped : (complex/inf) or qt.Qobj or np.ndarray Flipped extended complex coordinate, cartesian coordinate, spherical coordinate or spin state/polynomial. """ if np.isscalar(to_flip): if np.isclose(to_flip, 0): return np.inf if to_flip == np.inf: return 0 return to_flip/np.abs(to_flip)**2 if from_cartesian: x, y, z = to_flip return np.array([x, y, -z]) if from_spherical: return c_sph(poleflip(sph_c(to_flip))) flipped = components(to_flip)[::-1].conj() return qt.Qobj(flipped) if type(to_flip) == qt.Qobj else flipped
[docs]def spherical_inner(a, b): """ :math:`\\langle a \\mid b \\rangle` via an integral over the sphere. Parameters ---------- a : func Normalized Majorana function. b : func Normalized Majorana function Returns ------- inner_product : complex """ scheme = quadpy.u3.get_good_scheme(19) return scheme.integrate_spherical(lambda sph: a(sph).conj()*b(sph))
[docs]def pauli_eigenstate(j, m, direction): """ Returns eigenstates of Pauli operators. Parameters ---------- j : float j value of representation. m : float m value of representation. direction : str "x", "y", or "z". """ if direction == "x": up = np.array([1,0,0]) down = np.array([-1,0,0]) elif direction == "y": up = np.array([0,1,0]) down = np.array([0,-1,0]) elif direction == "z": up = np.array([0,0,1]) down = np.array([0,0,-1]) nup, ndown = [(int(2*j-i), i)\ for i in range(int(2*j+1))]\ [list(np.arange(j, -j-1, -1)).index(m)] return xyz_spin([up]*nup + [down]*ndown)
[docs]def basis(d, i, up='z'): """ Similar to `pauli_eigenstate`, only parameterized by dimension. Parameters ---------- d : int Dimension. i : int Basis state. up : str "x", "y", or "z". """ if d == 0: return qt.identity(1) j = (d-1)/2 m = np.arange(j, -j-1, -1)[i] return pauli_eigenstate(j, m, up)