Source code for spheres.visualization.majorana_sphere

from ..stars import *
from ..utils import *
from .vp_object import *

import vpython as vp

[docs]def tangent_plane_rotation(theta, phi): """ Constructs rotation into the tangent plane to the sphere at the given point specified in spherical coordinates. Parameters ---------- theta : float phi : float Returns ------- T : np.array A 3x3 matrix representing the linear transformation corresponding to the rotation. """ normal = sph_xyz(np.array([theta, phi])) tangent = sph_xyz(np.array([theta+np.pi/2, phi])) return np.linalg.inv(np.array([tangent,\ normalize(np.cross(tangent, normal)),\ normal]))
[docs]class SphericalWavefunction: """ Container for a 3D representation of a spin coherent wavefunction. """
[docs] def __init__(self, spin, pos=vp.vector(0,0,0), radius=1, wavefunction_type="coherent", wavefunction_samples=15): """ Parameters ---------- spin : qt.Qobj Spin-j state. pos : vp.vector Position. radius : float Radius. wavefunction_type : str "coherent" or "majorana". The former evaluates the amplitude on a spin coherent state at sample points on the sphere. The latter evaluates the normalized Majorana function. The two should be antipodal to each other. wavefunction_samples : int Number of sample points. """ self.spin = spin self.j = (self.spin.shape[0]-1)/2 self.pos = pos self.radius = radius self.wavefunction_type = wavefunction_type self.wavefunction_samples = wavefunction_samples self.theta, self.phi = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, np.pi, self.wavefunction_samples),\ np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, self.wavefunction_samples)) self.tangent_plane_rotations = [[tangent_plane_rotation(self.theta[i][j], self.phi[i][j])\ for j in range(self.wavefunction_samples)] for i in range(self.wavefunction_samples)]
def create_wavefunction(self): if self.wavefunction_type == "coherent": self.coherent_states = [[qt.spin_coherent(self.j, self.theta[i][j], self.phi[i][j])\ for j in range(self.wavefunction_samples)]\ for i in range(self.wavefunction_samples)] amps = [[(self.coherent_states[i][j].dag()*self.spin)[0][0][0]\ for j in range(self.wavefunction_samples)]\ for i in range(self.wavefunction_samples)] elif self.wavefunction_type == "majorana": self.poly = spin_poly(self.spin, spherical=True, normalized=True) amps = [[self.poly([self.theta[i][j], self.phi[i][j]])\ for j in range(self.wavefunction_samples)]\ for i in range(self.wavefunction_samples)] self.vwavefunction = [] for i in range(self.wavefunction_samples): row = [] for j in range(self.wavefunction_samples): arrow = vp.arrow(pos=self.pos+self.radius*vp.vector(*sph_xyz([self.theta[i][j], self.phi[i][j]])), opacity=0.4) axis = self.radius*0.5*(self.tangent_plane_rotations[i][j] @ np.array([amps[i][j].real, amps[i][j].imag,0])) if np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(axis), 0): arrow.visible = False arrow.axis = vp.vector(*axis) row.append(arrow) self.vwavefunction.append(row) return flatten(self.vwavefunction) def refresh_wavefunction(self, update_position=True, update_amplitudes=True): if update_amplitudes: if self.wavefunction_type == "coherent": amps = [[(self.coherent_states[i][j].dag()*self.spin)[0][0][0]\ for j in range(self.wavefunction_samples)]\ for i in range(self.wavefunction_samples)] elif self.wavefunction_type == "majorana": self.poly = spin_poly(self.spin, spherical=True, normalized=True) amps = [[self.poly(np.array([self.theta[i][j], self.phi[i][j]]))\ for j in range(self.wavefunction_samples)]\ for i in range(self.wavefunction_samples)] for i in range(self.wavefunction_samples): for j in range(self.wavefunction_samples): if update_amplitudes: axis = self.radius*0.5*(self.tangent_plane_rotations[i][j] @ np.array([amps[i][j].real, amps[i][j].imag, 0])) self.vwavefunction[i][j].visible = False if np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(axis),0) else True self.vwavefunction[i][j].axis = vp.vector(*axis) if update_position: self.vwavefunction[i][j].pos = self.pos+self.radius*vp.vector(*sph_xyz([self.theta[i][j], self.phi[i][j]]))
[docs]class MajoranaSphere(VObject): """ `MajoranaSphere` provides a nice way to visualize (pure) spin-j states using vpython for graphics, whether in a jupyter notebook or in a standalone environment. Attributes ---------- spin : qt.Qobj The spin-j state represented. If this attribute is set, the visualization is automatically updated. j : float Its j value. xyz : np.ndarray Majorana points in cartesian coordinates. phase : complex Complex phase of the spin state. scene : vp.canvas Scene in which to place the Majorana sphere. Defaults to a global scene. show_rotation_axis : bool Whether to show the expected rotation axis. If this attribute is set, the visualization is automatically updated. show_phase : bool Whether to show the phase. If this attribute is set, the visualization is automatically updated. show_reference_axes : bool Whether to show reference cartesian axes. If this attribute is set, the visualization is automatically updated. show_norm : bool Whether to show the norm of the state as a label. If this attribute is set, the visualization is automatically updated. sphere_draggable : bool Whether one can drag the sphere with the mouse. If this attribute is set, the visualization is automatically updated. make_trails : bool Whether the stars leave trails. If this attribute is set, the visualization is automatically updated. show_wavefunction : bool Whether to show spin coherent wavefunction. If this attribute is set, the visualization is automatically updated. wavefunction_type : str "majorana" or "coherent". The former evaluates the amplitude on a spin coherent state at sample points on the sphere. The latter evaluates the normalized Majorana function. The two should be antipodal to each other.If this attribute is set, the visualization is automatically updated. wavefunction_samples : int Number of sample points. """
[docs] def __init__(self, spin,\ scene=None,\ pos=vp.vector(0,0,0),\ radius=None,,\ sphere_opacity=0.3,\ sphere_draggable=True,\ star_colors=None,\ make_trails=False,\ show_rotation_axis=True,\ show_phase=False,\ show_reference_axes=False,\ show_norm=False,\ show_wavefunction=False,\ wavefunction_type="coherent",\ wavefunction_samples=15): super().__init__(scene=scene) super().__setattr__("spin", spin) self.auto_refresh_attrs["spin"] = self.refresh_spin self.j = (self.spin.shape[0]-1)/2 = spin_xyz(self.spin) self.phase = phase(self.spin) if self.j == 0: show_rotation_axis = False show_phase = True show_norm = True self.radius = self.j if not radius else radius self.vsphere = vp.sphere(pos=pos,\ radius=self.radius,\ color=sphere_color,\ opacity=sphere_opacity,\ visible=False if self.j == 0 else True) self.vchildren.append(self.vsphere) self.fix_stars = True if make_trails == True else False if star_colors == None: self.star_colors = [vp.color.white]*len( elif type(star_colors) == vp.vector: self.star_colors = [star_colors]*len( elif type(star_colors) == list: self.star_colors = star_colors self.fix_stars = True elif star_colors == "random": self.star_colors = [vp.vector(*np.random.random(3)) for i in range(len(] self.fix_stars = True self.vstars = [vp.sphere(pos=self.vsphere.pos+self.vsphere.radius*vp.vector(*xyz),\ color=self.star_colors[i],\ radius=0.2*self.vsphere.radius,\ make_trail=True, visible=False if sum(xyz) == 0 else True, emissive=True) for i, xyz in enumerate(] self.vchildren.extend(self.vstars) self.add_toggle("show_rotation_axis", self.create_rotation_axis) self.add_toggle("show_reference_axes", self.create_reference_axes) self.add_toggle("show_phase", self.create_phase) self.add_toggle("show_norm", self.create_norm) self.add_toggle("show_wavefunction", self.create_wavefunction) self.auto_refresh_attrs["make_trails"] = self.refresh_trails self.sphere_draggable = sphere_draggable self.show_rotation_axis = show_rotation_axis self.show_reference_axes = show_reference_axes self.show_phase = show_phase self.show_norm = show_norm self.make_trails = make_trails self.wavefunction_samples = wavefunction_samples self.wavefunction_type = wavefunction_type self.show_wavefunction = show_wavefunction self.auto_refresh_attrs["wavefunction_type"] = self.change_wavefunction_type self.refreshments.extend([self.refresh_stars,\ self.refresh_rotation_axis,\ self.refresh_reference_axes,\ self.refresh_phase,\ self.refresh_norm,\ self.refresh_wavefunction]) self.mousedown_callbacks[self.vsphere] = self.start_sphere_dragging self.mousemove_callbacks.append(self.sphere_drag) self.mouseup_callbacks.append(self.stop_sphere_dragging) self.sphere_dragging = False self.evolving = False self.snapshots = []
############################################################ def create_rotation_axis(self): axis = spinj_xyz(self.spin) self.vrotation_axis = vp.arrow(pos=self.vsphere.pos,\ color=vp.color.yellow,\ axis=vp.vector(*axis),\ visible=not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(axis), 0)) return [self.vrotation_axis] def refresh_rotation_axis(self): if self.toggles["show_rotation_axis"]["exists"]: self.vrotation_axis.pos = self.vsphere.pos axis = spinj_xyz(self.spin) self.vrotation_axis.axis = vp.vector(*axis) self.vrotation_axis.visible = not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(axis), 0) ############################################################ def create_reference_axes(self): self.vaxes = [vp.arrow(pos=self.vsphere.pos,\ axis=1.5*self.radius*axis,\,\ shaftwidth=0.05*self.radius,\ opacity=0.4) for axis in [vp.vector(1,0,0),\ vp.vector(0,1,0),\ vp.vector(0,0,1)]] self.vaxis_labels = [vp.text(text=label,\,\ height=self.radius*0.2,\ pos=self.vsphere.pos+self.vaxes[i].axis)\ for i, label in enumerate(["X", "Y", "Z"])] return self.vaxes + self.vaxis_labels def refresh_reference_axes(self): if self.toggles["show_reference_axes"]["exists"]: for i, axis in enumerate(self.vaxes): axis.pos = self.vsphere.pos self.vaxis_labels[i].pos = self.vsphere.pos + axis.axis ############################################################ def create_phase(self): self.vphase_ring = vp.ring(pos=self.vsphere.pos+vp.vector(0,self.radius+0.1 if self.j!=0 else 0,0),\ radius=(self.radius if self.radius != 0 else 1),\ thickness=0.03*(self.radius if self.radius != 0 else 1),\ axis=vp.vector(0,1,0) if self.j != 0 else vp.vector(0,0,1),\,\ opacity=0.4) self.vphase = vp.arrow(pos=self.vphase_ring.pos,\ axis=self.radius*vp.vector(self.phase.real,0,self.phase.imag) if self.j != 0 else self.radius*vp.vector(self.phase.real,self.phase.imag,0),\ shaftwidth=(self.radius if self.radius != 0 else 1)*0.05,\ opacity=0.3,\ return [self.vphase_ring, self.vphase] def refresh_phase(self): if self.show_phase: self.vphase_ring.pos = self.vsphere.pos + vp.vector(0, self.radius+0.1 if self.j!=0 else 0, 0) self.vphase_ring.radius = self.radius self.vphase.pos = self.vphase_ring.pos self.vphase.axis = self.radius*vp.vector(self.phase.real, 0, self.phase.imag) if self.j != 0 else vp.vector(self.phase.real, self.phase.imag, 0) ############################################################ def create_norm(self): self.vnorm = vp.label(pos=self.vsphere.pos-vp.vector(0, 0.25+self.radius if self.radius !=0 else 1.25, 0),\ text='%.3f' % self.spin.norm()) return [self.vnorm] def refresh_norm(self): if self.show_norm: self.vnorm.pos = self.vsphere.pos-vp.vector(0, 0.25+self.radius if self.radius !=0 else 1.25, 0) self.vnorm.text = '%.3f' % self.spin.norm() ############################################################ def create_wavefunction(self): self.vwavefunction = SphericalWavefunction(self.spin, pos=self.vsphere.pos, radius=self.radius, wavefunction_type=self.wavefunction_type, wavefunction_samples=self.wavefunction_samples) return self.vwavefunction.create_wavefunction() def refresh_wavefunction(self): if self.show_wavefunction: self.vwavefunction.pos = self.vsphere.pos self.vwavefunction.spin = self.spin self.vwavefunction.refresh_wavefunction(update_position=self.sphere_dragging, update_amplitudes=self.evolving) def change_wavefunction_type(self): if self.show_wavefunction: self.show_wavefunction = False self.show_wavefunction = True ############################################################
[docs] def clear_trails(self): """ Clear star trails. """ for star in self.vstars: star.clear_trail()
def refresh_trails(self): self.clear_trails() if self.make_trails: self.fix_stars = True for star in self.vstars: star.make_trail = self.make_trails ############################################################ def refresh_spin(self): = spin_xyz(self.spin) if not self.fix_stars else fix_stars(, spin_xyz(self.spin)) self.phase = phase(self.spin) if not self.evolving: self.clear_trails() self.refresh() def refresh_stars(self): for i, xyz in enumerate( self.vstars[i].visible = False if sum(xyz) == 0 else True self.vstars[i].pos = self.vsphere.pos + self.radius*vp.vector(*xyz) ############################################################ def start_sphere_dragging(self): if self.sphere_draggable: self.sphere_dragging = True def sphere_drag(self): if self.sphere_dragging: self.vsphere.pos = self.scene.mouse.pos if not self.evolving and not self.refreshing: self.refresh() self.clear_trails() def stop_sphere_dragging(self): self.sphere_dragging = False ############################################################
[docs] def snapshot(self): """ Takes a snaphot of the stars, phase, and rotation axis. In other words, makes a copy of them. """ clone = {} clone["vstars"] = [star.clone() for star in self.vstars] if self.show_phase: clone["vphase"] = self.vphase.clone() if self.show_rotation_axis: clone["vrotation_axis"] = self.vrotation_axis.clone() self.snapshots.append(clone)
[docs] def clear_snapshot(self): """ Clears the last snapshot taken. """ clone = self.snapshots.pop(0) for star in clone["vstars"]: star.visible = False if "vphase" in clone: clone["vphase"].visible = False if "vrotation_axis" in clone: clone["vrotation_axis"].visible = False clone = {}
[docs] def evolve(self, H, dt=0.05, T=2*np.pi): """ Evolves the state, updating the visual in real time. Parameters ---------- H : qt.Qobj Hamiltonian. dt : float Time step. T : float Time interval. """ self.evolving = True U = (-1j*H*dt).expm() for t in np.linspace(0, T, int(T/dt)): self.spin = U*self.spin vp.rate(50) self.evolving = False
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Destroys the Majorana sphere. """ super().destroy() while len(self.snapshots) > 0: self.clear_snapshot()