Source code for spheres.visualization.operator_sphere

import vpython as vp
import numpy as np
import qutip as qt

from .majorana_sphere import *
from ..stars import *

[docs]class OperatorSphere: """ Visualization for density matrices and operators. Using the spherical tensor decomposition, the operator or density matrix is represented by a series of concentric spheres with their own constellations. The operator/density matrix is represented by a list of integer valued spin states. The norms of these states become the radii of the spheres, and the phases of the states become the colors. The spin-0 sector is represented by the label at the bottom. For hermitian matrices, the constellations all have antipodal symmetry. The lower spin states can be interpreted as the partial states in the permutation symmetric qubit representation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dm,\ scene=None,\ pos=vp.vector(0,0,0)): self.scene = scene if scene else vp.scene self.pos = pos super().__setattr__("dm", dm) self.j = (dm.shape[0]-1)/2 self.T_basis = spherical_tensor_basis(self.j) self.spins = operator_spins(, T_basis=self.T_basis) self.radii = [spin.norm() for spin in self.spins[1:]] self.colors = [vp.color.hsv_to_rgb(vp.vector(phase_angle(spin)/(2*np.pi), 1, 1)) for spin in self.spins[1:]] self.vspin0 = vp.label(pos=pos-vp.vector(0,0.15+max(self.radii) if len(self.radii) > 0 else 0, 0), height=10, text="%.1f+i%.1f" % (self.spins[0][0][0][0].real, self.spins[0][0][0][0].imag)) self.vspheres = [vp.sphere(pos=pos,\ radius=self.radii[i],\ color=self.colors[i],\ opacity=0.2) for i, spin in enumerate(self.spins[1:])] self.vstars = [[vp.sphere(pos=pos+self.radii[i]*vp.vector(*xyz),\ radius=0.2*self.radii[i],\ color=self.colors[i],\ emissive=True) for xyz in spin_xyz(spin)] for i, spin in enumerate(self.spins[1:])] axis = vp.vector(qt.expect(qt.jmat(self.j, 'x'),,\ qt.expect(qt.jmat(self.j, 'y'),,\ qt.expect(qt.jmat(self.j, 'z'), if self.j != 0 and else vp.vector(0,0,0) self.vspin_axis = vp.arrow(pos=pos, axis=axis,\ visible=False if self.j == 0 or axis == vp.vector(0,0,0) or == False else True,\ color=vp.color.yellow) self.dragging = False self.refreshing = False self.scene.bind("mousedown", self.mousedown) self.scene.bind("mousemove", self.mousemove) self.scene.bind("mouseup", self.mouseup)
def __setattr__(self, name, value): super().__setattr__(name, value) if name == "dm": self.refresh() def mousedown(self): pick = self.scene.mouse.pick if pick in self.vspheres or pick in self.vstars or pick == self.vspin0: self.dragging = True def mousemove(self): if self.dragging: self.pos = self.scene.mouse.pos if not self.refreshing: self.refresh() def mouseup(self): self.dragging = False def refresh(self): self.refreshing = True self.spins = operator_spins(, T_basis=self.T_basis) self.radii = [spin.norm() for spin in self.spins[1:]] self.colors = [vp.color.hsv_to_rgb(vp.vector(phase_angle(spin)/(2*np.pi), 1, 1)) for spin in self.spins[1:]] self.vspin0.pos = self.pos-vp.vector(0,0.15+max(self.radii) if len(self.radii) > 0 else 0, 0) self.vspin0.text = "%.1f+i%.1f" % (self.spins[0][0][0][0].real, self.spins[0][0][0][0].imag) for i, spin in enumerate(self.spins[1:]): self.vspheres[i].pos = self.pos self.vspheres[i].radius = self.radii[i] self.vspheres[i].color = self.colors[i] for j, xyz in enumerate(spin_xyz(spin)): self.vstars[i][j].visible = False if np.linalg.norm(xyz) == 0 else True self.vstars[i][j].pos = self.pos + self.radii[i]*vp.vector(*xyz) self.vstars[i][j].color = self.colors[i] self.vspin_axis.pos = self.pos self.vspin_axis.axis = vp.vector(*spinj_xyz( if else vp.vector(0,0,0) self.vspin_axis.visible = False if self.j == 0 or self.vspin_axis.axis == vp.vector(0,0,0) or == 0 or == False else True self.refreshing = False
[docs] def evolve(self, H, dt=0.05, T=2*np.pi): """ Evolves the mixed state/operator, updating the visual in real time. Parameters ---------- H : qt.Qobj Hamiltonian. dt : float Time step. T : float Time interval. """ U = (-1j*H*dt).expm() for t in np.linspace(0, T, int(T/dt)): = U**U.dag() vp.rate(50)
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Destroys the Operator sphere. """ self.vspin0.visible = False del self.vspin0 for i, vsphere in enumerate(self.vspheres): vsphere.visible = False del vsphere for j, vstar in enumerate(self.vstars[i]): vstar.visible = False del vstar self.vspin_axis.visible = False del self.vspin_axis self.scene.unbind("mousedown", self.mousedown) self.scene.unbind("mousemove", self.mousemove) self.scene.unbind("mouseup", self.mouseup)