Source code for spheres.visualization.schwinger_spheres

import vpython as vp

from ..oscillators import *
from ..stars import *
from ..utils import *
from .majorana_sphere import *
from .operator_sphere import *

[docs]class OscillatorPlane: """ Container for a 3D representation of a 2D oscillator state in the plane. Amplitudes at discretized positions are represented by arrows, and the expected position is a yellow sphere. """
[docs] def __init__(self, state, pos): self.state = state self.pos = pos self.cutoff_dim = self.state.dims[0][0] self.Q = [qt.tensor(qt.position(self.cutoff_dim), qt.identity(self.cutoff_dim)),\ qt.tensor(qt.identity(self.cutoff_dim), qt.position(self.cutoff_dim))] QL, QV = qt.position(self.cutoff_dim).eigenstates() self.Qstates = [[qt.tensor(QV[i], QV[j]) for j in range(self.cutoff_dim)] for i in range(self.cutoff_dim)] self.plane_origin = vp.vector(0,-4,0) pos_amps = [[self.state.overlap(self.Qstates[i][j]) for j in range(self.cutoff_dim)] for i in range(self.cutoff_dim)] self.vplane =, length=QL[-1]*2, height=QL[-1]*2, width=0.01) self.vpositions = [[vp.arrow(pos=self.pos+self.plane_origin+vp.vector(QL[i], QL[j], 0),\,\ axis=2*vp.vector(pos_amps[i][j].real, pos_amps[i][j].imag, 0))\ for j in range(self.cutoff_dim)] for i in range(self.cutoff_dim)] self.vexpected_pos = vp.sphere(pos=self.pos+self.plane_origin+vp.vector(qt.expect(self.Q[0], self.state).real,\ qt.expect(self.Q[1], self.state).real, 0),\ color=vp.color.yellow, radius=0.1)
def refresh(self, state): self.state = state for i in range(self.cutoff_dim): for j in range(self.cutoff_dim): amp = self.state.overlap(self.Qstates[i][j]) self.vpositions[i][j].axis = 2*vp.vector(amp.real, amp.imag, 0) self.vexpected_pos.pos = self.pos+self.plane_origin+vp.vector(qt.expect(self.Q[0], self.state).real,\ qt.expect(self.Q[1], self.state).real, 0) def destroy(self): self.vplane.visible = False del self.vplane self.vexpected_pos.visible = False del self.vexpected_pos for i in range(self.cutoff_dim): for j in range(self.cutoff_dim): self.vpositions[i][j].visible = False self.vposition = None
[docs]class SchwingerSpheres: """ Visualization for two oscillators as a tower of spin-j states. If `show_plane=True`, displays a representation of the 2D oscillator position states. """
[docs] def __init__(self, state=None, scene=None, pos=vp.vector(0,0,0), show_plane=False): super().__setattr__("state", state if state else vacuum()) super().__setattr__("show_plane", show_plane) self.scene = scene if scene else vp.scene self.pos = pos self.cutoff_dim = self.state.dims[0][0] self.a = annihilators(n=2, cutoff_dim=self.cutoff_dim) = osc_spintower_map(self.cutoff_dim) self.spins = osc_spins(self.state, self.n_spins = len(self.spins) positions = [0] for i in range(1, self.n_spins): next_position = positions[-1] + 2.3 positions.append(next_position) positions = np.array(positions)-positions[-1]/2 self.vspheres = [MajoranaSphere(self.spins[i],\ scene=scene,\ pos=self.pos+vp.vector(positions[i], 0, 0),\ radius=1,\ show_phase=True,\ show_norm=True)\ for i in range(self.n_spins)] self.paulis = second_quantized_paulis(cutoff_dim=self.cutoff_dim) self.pauli_projectors = {} for s, o in self.paulis.items(): L, V = o.eigenstates() P = [v*v.dag() for v in V] outcomes = {} for i, l in enumerate(L): if l not in outcomes: outcomes[l] = P[i] else: outcomes[l] += P[i] self.pauli_projectors[s] = outcomes if self.show_plane: self.vplane = OscillatorPlane(self.state, self.pos)
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == "show_plane": if self.show_plane == False: self.vplane = OscillatorPlane(self.state, self.pos) else: self.vplane.destroy() super().__setattr__(name, value) if name == "state": self.refresh()
[docs] def vacuum(self): """ Load in the vacuum state. """ self.state = vacuum(cutoff_dim=self.cutoff_dim)
[docs] def random(self): """ Load in a random state. """ new_state = qt.rand_ket(self.state.shape[0]) new_state.dims = self.state.dims self.state = new_state
[docs] def raise_spin(self, spin, replace=False): """ Raises a spin-j state. Parameters ---------- spin : qt.Qobj replace : bool If True, raises the spin state from the vacuum. """ if replace: self.vacuum() new_state = (second_quantize_spin_state(spin, self.a)*self.state) new_state = new_state.unit() if new_state.norm() != 0 else new_state self.state = new_state
[docs] def lower_spin(self, spin): """ Lowers a spin-j state. Parameters ---------- spin : qt.Qobj """ new_state = (second_quantize_spin_state(spin, self.a).dag()*self.state) new_state = new_state.unit() if new_state.norm() != 0 else new_state self.state = new_state
[docs] def random_hamiltonian(self): """ Returns ------- H : qt.Qobj Random Hamiltonian of the right dimensions. """ H = qt.rand_herm(self.state.shape[0]) H.dims = [self.state.dims[0], self.state.dims[0]] return H
[docs] def evolve(self, H=None, dt=0.05, T=2*np.pi): """ Evolves the state, updating the visual in real time. Parameters ---------- H : qt.Qobj Hamiltonian. If provided with a first quantized Hamiltonian, automatically second quantizes. dt : float Time step. T : float Time interval. """ H = H if H else self.random_hamiltonian() if H.dims[0] == self.state.dims[0]: U = (-1j*H*dt).expm() else: U = (-1j*second_quantize_operator(H, self.a)*dt).expm() for t in np.linspace(0, T, int(T/dt)): self.state = U*self.state vp.rate(50)
[docs] def measure(self, direction): """ Applies a projective measurement (with random outcomes). Parameters ---------- direction : str "x", "y", "z", or "q" (2D position). """ if self.show_plane and direction == 'q': probs, indices = [], [] for i in range(self.cutoff_dim): for j in range(self.cutoff_dim): probs.append(abs(self.state.overlap(self.vplane.Qstates[i][j]))**2) indices.append((i, j)) probs = np.array(probs) choice = np.random.choice(list(range(len(probs))), p=abs(probs/sum(probs))) i, j = indices[choice] self.state = (self.vplane.Qstates[i][j]*self.vplane.Qstates[i][j].dag()*self.state).unit() else: projectors = self.pauli_projectors[direction] eigenvalues = projectors.keys() P = [projectors[eig] for eig in eigenvalues] choice = measure(self.state, P) self.state = (P[choice]*self.state).unit()
def refresh(self): self.spins = osc_spins(self.state, for i, vsphere in enumerate(self.vspheres): vsphere.spin = self.spins[i] if self.show_plane: self.vplane.refresh(self.state)
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Destroys the Schwinger spheres. """ for vsphere in self.vspheres: vsphere.destroy() if self.show_plane: self.vplane.destroy()